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Tool room - Challenges
Small Lot Size: The unique components required for each tool result in small lot sizes, which can make it difficult to optimize production efficiency and minimize waste.
Undefined Cycle Time: Due to the complexity and uniqueness of each component, it can be challenging to accurately determine the cycle time required for each operation.
Undefined Capacity: Because of the variation in component design and production requirements, it can be challenging to determine the precise capacity of each machine.
Undefined Bottlenecks: Without clear data on cycle times and machine capacities, it can be challenging to identify and address bottlenecks in production.
Uncertain Planning: The production of different components for a single tool can involve many operations, making it challenging to plan and schedule production efficiently.
Component Tracing: With many components in process simultaneously, it can be difficult to track the status of each component through the production process.
OEE Calculation: The small lot sizes and undefined cycle times can make it difficult to accurately calculate Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) metrics.This can make it challenging to improve machine efficiency.
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Impact of Chalengese
Timely Delivery Failure: Due to inefficient planning and tracking, it can be difficult to deliver tools on time, leading to delays in customer orders and potential loss of business. This can result in a negative impact on the organization's reputation.
Increased Lead Time: Inefficient planning and tracking can lead to longer wait times for jobs, resulting in increased lead times for tool manufacturing. This can impact customer satisfaction and increase the risk of losing business to competitors.
Less Efficiency: Inefficient planning and tracking can lead to less efficiency of the tool room, resulting in lower productivity and increased costs. This can lead to increased lead times and lower customer satisfaction.
More Inventory Costs: Due to the unique components required for each tool and longer lead times, it can be necessary to hold higher levels of inventory in stock. This can lead to increased inventory costs and reduced profitability for the organization.
Skilled Manpower Requirements: Due to the technical complexity of tool manufacturing and the need for accurate cycle time calculations, it may be necessary to employ highly skilled personnel. This can lead to increased labor costs
Generate process drawings & job cards with Cycle time
Planning of projects and 4Ms.
Monitoring and tracking of tasks, projects, man, and material.
Auto-generate alarm if any delay.
Gantt chart and Kanban Board.
TOC-based planning.
Define Bottleneck.
Data transfer of design and information.
Inventory management.
Timely delivery.
Reducing tool manufacturing lead time.
Boosting productivity.
Reducing urgency.
Improving man and machine efficiency.
Reducing planning efforts.
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